Tolerance pays... umm, $100,000!

Current TV has a contest seeking a short form film on tolerance with $100,000 to the winning filmmaker.Calling all filmmakers: Current TV just launched a contest seeking a short form piece (pod) about tolerance. Winning filmmaker will receive $100,000 with an additional $15k to the nonprofit, tolerant organization of their choice. Also, the 2 runners up will receive cash prizes. Celebrity judges: Paul Haggis, Margaret Cho, Edward Norton and Melissa Etheridge.

Laina, a very good friend of mine who works at Current TV, asked if I'd help her get the word out on the contest. Actually, after getting her email, I read up a bit more on Current TV and I love what they're doing. In fact, you can see a sampling of their latest stuff on their Video Preview page. I enjoyed the viewer-created piece on "The Dubizzle in Dubai".

So what is Current TV and how does it work? From their website:

Anyone who wants to contribute can upload a video. Then, everyone in the Current online community votes for what should be on TV. You can join in at either stage -- watch & vote or create & upload. (We've also got online training to help you get the skills you need to make TV!)

This is definitely not a traditional TV network. Watching Current, you'll see more, on more topics, from more points of view.

But if we're going to succeed, we need you to do more than watch; we need you to jump in and participate.

Which brings us to this contest. Here's what Laina says about it in her email:
If you know any filmmakers, actors or writers, can you let them know about this cool opportunity? Any pieces that the audience likes will still make it to air and be paid - just like how we air other viewer created content. Current has about 30% of our content from viewers and are looking to up that number to 65%.

The piece need not be heavy and depressing, it can be delivered in any manner that carries the point of tolerance.

So, what are you waiting for? Fire up those camcorders and boot up your shiny new MacBook -- you've got a film to make! :)
