SWX web site spam hack

Danny emailed me today to say that he'd noticed spam links on the SWX web site (thanks, man!) When I looked, I couldn't see anything. That is, until I looked at the source.

Somehow, someone managed to inject spam links and hide them using display:none. The actual code starts like this:

<u style="display: none">

And then includes the spam links.

I feel they may have gotten in through a vulnerability in the older version of Wordpress that the site is running. I am now in the process of upgrading it to the latest version (2.3.2) and having my web host check the servers.

In the meanwhile, though, I didn't want the bastards to gain another penny from having hacked my site so I whipped up a very simple Wordpress plugin that checks for and removes those links.

It's called Remove Hidden Spam and you can download it here (.zip; 718 bytes) in case you're affected by this also (Danny told me that Keith was hit by this recently too.) Just copy it to your plugins folder and activate it.
